Acute bronchitis due to coxsackievirus
Acute bronchitis due to echovirus
Acute bronchitis due to Haemophilus influenzae
Acute bronchitis due to Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Acute bronchitis due to parainfluenza virus
Acute bronchitis due to rhinovirus
Acute bronchitis due to streptococcus
Congenital pneumonia due to other organisms
Meningitis due to other specified causes
Septicaemia due to other specified staphylococcus
Other specified acute disseminated demyelination
Other specified acute viral hepatitis
Allergic contact dermatitis due to other agents
Aplastic anaemia due to other external agents
Irritant contact dermatitis due to other agents
Myopathy due to other toxic agents
Pneumonia due to other streptococci
Pneumonitis due to other solids and liquids